898 research outputs found

    Dynamic connectedness between NFTS and market sentiment

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    Mestrado Bolonha em FinançasNeste estudo, eu investigo a conectividade dinâmica do retorno e da volatilidade entre os tokens não fungíveis (NFTs) e o sentimento do mercado de maio de 2018 a junho de 2022 usando um modelo de Autorregressão de Parâmetros Variáveis no Tempo (TVPVAR). Nesta investigação, eu descubro que certos segmentos de NFTs, como Art, Collectibles, Metaverse, Games e Utilities, são relativamente independentes do sentimento do mercado. Também descubro que os segmentos Collectibles e Games são os principais recetores do transbordo de volatilidade enquanto os restantes segmentos de NFTs considerados são principalmente transmissores. Essas descobertas fornecem conhecimentos particularmente importantes para investidores.I study the dynamic return and volatility connectedness between Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and Market Sentiment from May 2018 to June 2022 using a Time-Varying Parameter Vector Autoregression (TVP-VAR) model. I find that certain NFT segments, such as Art, Collectibles, Metaverse, Games, and Utilities, are relatively independent from the Market Sentiment. I also find that Collectibles and Games segments are the major net receivers of volatility spillover while the other considered NFT segments are mostly net shock transmitters. These findings provide potentially useful insights important for investors.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Células solares orgânicas baseadas em MEH-PPV

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    Mestrado em Engenharia FísicaNo presente trabalho procedeu-se ao estudo e fabrico de células solares orgânicas do tipo bulk heterojunction, baseadas no polímero poly(2-methoxy-5- (2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEH-PPV) dopada com a nanoestrutura [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) em filmes finos . A caracterização opto-electrónica revelou uma forte absorção na zona espectral azul-verde, confirmando a aplicabilidade destes materiais para este tipo de dispositivos. Foram obtidos valores relevantes em parâmetros como factor de forma e eficiência. É apresentada uma tentativa de explicação dos resultados com base nas propriedades micro-eléctricas e morfológicas. Produziram-se, de igual forma, células flexíveis baseadas na mesma estrutura, tendo em vista a sua aplicabilidade em larga escala. ABSTRACT: In this work some thin film bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells based on polymer poly(2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene) (MEHPPV) doped with nanostructures [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) was made and studied. The opto-electrical characterization showed a strong absorption in the blue-green spectrum region, confirming the applicability of these materials for this kind of devices. Relevant data was obtained for fill-factors and efficiency. An attempt to explain the macroscopic behavior based on micro-electrical and morphological properties was done. Flexible devices based on same structure were also made in order to test the possible application in large scale

    Overlay networks for intelligent transportation systems

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores - Major de Telecomunicações. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200

    Mechanisms for reflection-based monitoring of real- time systems

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    Monitoring is a very important aspect to consider when developing real-time systems. However, it is also important to consider the impact of the monitoring mechanisms in the actual application. The use of Reflection can provide a clear separation between the real-time application and the implemented monitoring mechanisms, which can be introduced (reflected) into the underlying system without changing the actual application part of the code. Nevertheless, controlling the monitoring system itself is still a topic of research. The monitoring mechanisms must contain knowledge about “how to get the information out”. Therefore, this paper presents the ongoing work to define a suitable strategy for monitoring real-time systems through the use of Reflection

    Importância da imagem vídeo em ortodontia - Uma revisão da literatura

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    ResumoIntroduçãoO objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o interesse da captação de imagens faciais dinâmicas no diagnóstico e plano de tratamento em ortodontia.MétodosCom o recurso ao motor de busca PubMed, foram utilizadas as palavras-chave «vídeo AND orthodontics» e «dynamic analysis AND orthodontics». Os estudos que incluíam pacientes com defeitos congénitos, síndromes ou que tivessem sido previamente submetidos a tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico-ortognático foram excluídos.ResultadosNas 2 pesquisas, encontrámos 178 artigos. Após a análise de todos os resumos, foram incluídos 15 artigos, sendo que apenas 8 dos artigos eram ensaios clínicos randomizados.ConclusãoApesar das potencialidades apontadas à utilização de imagens vídeo no diagnóstico e plano de tratamento em ortodontia, estas devem funcionar como um complemento dos meios convencionais. No entanto, as funções educativa e motivacional parecem fazer sobressair esta tecnologia em comparação com os outros métodos.AbstractIntroductionThe aim of this study was to evaluate the interest of capturing dynamic facial images in the diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics.MethodsWith the use of the PubMed search engine, we used the keywords “video AND orthodontics” and “dynamic analysis AND orthodontics”. The studies including patients with birth defects, syndromes or patients who had been previously submitted to orthodontic-orthognathic surgery were excluded.ResultsFrom the 178 articles, after analyzing all the abstracts, 15 articles were included. Only 8 were randomized controlled trials.ConclusionDespite the potential indicated the use of video images in the diagnosis and treatment planning in orthodontics, they shall function as a complement to conventional means. However, educational and motivational functions appear to bring out this technology compared to other methods

    Backscatter radio communication for IoT applications

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    The so called Internet of Things (IoT) is progressivelybecoming a normal thing in everyone daily lives. Thedesire of connecting everyday objects to the internet and to eachother, to interact with other users and machines, is increasinglybecoming a reality. In this context, where billions of connectedobjects are expected to be ubiquitously deployed worldwide, thefrequent battery maintenance of wireless nodes is undesirableor even impossible. The growth of the devices will be madepossible only if the sensors battery needs are eliminated orreduced significantly. For low power sensors and devices, carefulpower management and power conservation are critical to devicelifetime and effectiveness. One of the possible solutions is tochange completely the paradigm of the radio transceivers in thewireless nodes of the IoT system. The new paradigm should beable to communicate and to enhance the power to the sensor byusing only electromagnetic waveforms transmitted over the air,in order to make the Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) concept areality

    An Ada framework for QoS-Aware applications

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    In this paper we present a framework for managing QoS-aware applications in a dynamic, ad-hoc, distributed environment. This framework considers an available set of wireless/mobile and fixed nodes, which may temporally form groups in order to process a set of related services, and where there is the need to support different levels of service and different combinations of quality requirements. This framework is being developed both for testing and validating an approach, based on multidimensional QoS properties, which provides service negotiation and proposal evaluation algorithms, and for assessing the suitability of the Ada language to be used in the context of dynamic, QoS-aware systems

    O tempo do engenho: a modernização recente de Florianópolis considerada a partir da trajetória e obra do Grupo Engenho (história e fontes para o ensino de história)

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Educação, Programa de Pós-gGraduação em Ensino de História, Florianópolis, 2016.Entre as décadas de 1960 e 1980, Florianópolis passou por um período de rápidas transformações, deixando de ser uma pacata e provinciana cidade de aspecto colonial para se tornar uma pequena metrópole moderna e um polo internacional de turismo. O final desse processo foi vivenciado por um grupo musical que, no início da década de 1980, pôde ser considerado pela crítica local como o mais famoso grupo de Santa Catarina , compondo e interpretando canções que falam do modo de vida e da cultura das comunidades de pescadores-agricultores espalhadas pelas praias da Ilha de Santa Catarina. Determinadas condições históricas possibilitaram a existência desse grupo, cujas representações a respeito da cidade podem ser tomadas como fontes históricas, representações de sua experiência no tempo. Esta dissertação se propõe dois objetivos complementares: fazer uma narrativa acerca da história da cidade que contribua para a compreensão do Grupo Engenho enquanto possibilidade histórica e compor um conjunto de documentos acerca dessa história, que possa ser empregado por professores e professoras no ensino básico.Abstract : Between the 1960s and 1980s, Florianópolis went through a period of rapid transformation, from a quiet, provincial-looking colonial city to a small modern metropolis and an international tourism hub. The end of this process was experienced by a musical group that, in the early 1980s, could be considered by local critics as "the most famous group of Santa Catarina", the Engenho Group, composing and interpreting songs that speak of the way of life and culture of Communities of fishermen-farmers spread on the beaches of Santa Catarina Island. Certain historical conditions made possible the existence of this group, whose representations of the city can be taken as historical sources, representations of their experience in time. This dissertation proposes two complementary objectives: Make a narrative about the history of the city that contributes to the understanding of the Engenho Group as a historical possibility and to compose a set of documents about this history, that can be used by teachers in elementary education